Date & place

July 22, 2011 – Woodland Park Zoo – Seattle, WA

Zoo Maps

Hi all.  The Woodland Park Zoo can be a big and confusing place.  It has two entrances, five parking lots, and contains several miles of walking paths.  Below are a couple of maps that may help you figure out where to go – and where not to go – on the evening of July 22nd.

The first map is an overview of the entire Zoo.  As you can see, there are two entrances: the South Entrance, and the West Entrance.  To attend our wedding you'll need to park and enter at the West Entrance, located on Phinney Avenue N at approximately N 55th Street (where the big yellow star is).  The easiest way to do this is to approach the zoo traveling westward on N 50th Street (bottom edge of the map).  At the southwest corner of the zoo, 50th actually curves to the right and becomes Phinney Avenue N (left edge of the map).  The West Entrance is just five blocks ahead, on the right.

When should you show up at the West Entrance?  There's a couple of options.  The Zoo closes its gates to the public at 6:00 PM.  Everyone inside then has one hour –– until 7:00 PM –– to leave the premises.  From 7:00 to 8:00 PM, zoo staff will re-open the West Entrance to wedding guests.  After 8:00 the West Entrance will be closed and it won't be possible to enter the Zoo.  Please bear this in mind if you need to temporarily leave for any reason!

Option #1 is to show up at the West Gate sometime before 7:00 PM.  Please park in the West Entrance parking lot rather than in the South, Southwest, or various North parking lots.  And please make sure you leave yourself enough extra travel time to arrive before 7:00!  Seattle traffic can be extreeeeemely slow during the evening rush hour.  Especially on 50th Street and on any of the bridges north from Downtown.

* We will provide taxis from the Watertown Hotel to the Zoo. These will depart at 6:15 PM.

Option #2, if you'd like to check out the Zoo before the wedding, is to enter through the West Entrance before 6:00 PM like any other zoo-goer.  Out-of-town guests may use their Zoo voucher for this (or may save it for another time).  You are then free to remain inside until the wedding begins.  But please don't arrive at the Beech Grove more than a few minutes before 7:00, since Zoo staff will be busy setting it up for our ceremony.

Once inside the Zoo, just follow the signs!  We'll make sure that the path to the Beech Grove is clearly marked and obvious.  Below is a close-up of the previous map, showing all of the crucial wedding locations.

The West Gate is located at number (1) on the map.  You reach it by taking a short, meandering walking path down from the West Entrance parking lot.  Once through the gate, you'll want to take a hard right and make your way down to the Beech Grove, at number (2).  This is less complicated than it looks, and only entails about 350 meters of walking.  Following the ceremony, the reception will be held at the Rainforest Pavilion, number (3).  Again, everything will be very clearly signed so that you don't end up getting lost and becoming part of the jungle exhibit.

Let us know if you have any specific questions or concerns about getting to the Zoo or getting around once you're there!

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